Whether you want to become a yoga teacher or deepen your own practice, or maybe a bit of both, this 200 hour yoga teacher training will provide a solid foundation for you to build upon, whichever path you take.
Holistic health and self-development are amongst the fastest growing industries of our time and yes, there’s always more room for remarkable players.
Picking up where most YTT leaves off, this program will guide you into:
Embodying and practicing teaching asana with expertise of yoga anatomy
Exploring different breathwork and meditative practices
Deepening your understanding of the conscious self and how the physical body aligns with the subtle body
Utilizing self-leadership tools to hone and live your calling as a soulful entrepreneur
Marketing your sacred contribution to set you up for success and abundance
This YTT course typically involves in-person training with a special immersive experience within a beautiful retreat setting. However, in light of COVID-19 safety protocols and travel restrictions, in-person and on location training will be on hiatus until further notice.
As an aspiring yoga teacher in this new norm for now, let’s connect virtually in the comfort of our own beautiful oases as we move through this apart, but together.